So this year, I decided to make some goals for myself. Using my Sport Psych knowledge, my hope is that by calling them goals I will have a better chance of attaining them past January 10th. My second hope is that I will be able to keep myself accountable by keeping this blog. I am not counting on anyone to read this... if you do, great! Thanks! :) I am really good at starting things, but terrible at finishing them (see my scrapbook of a trip I took in 2002 that is still unfinished... 10 years later... YIKES) so I figured I needed to hold myself accountable, and the only way I could think of doing that was this blog. I'll be honest on here. I'll probably be too hard on myself. But hopefully, by this time next year, I'll be better for it. So here we go (in no particular order, and keeping in mind that all goals should be SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). Super Chele's (positive psychology at work here) Goals for 2012:
- Be kinder to myself
- "You're so mean when you talk/About yourself, you are wrong/Change the voices in your head/Make them like you instead" ~P!nk, F***ing Perfect, one of my theme songs for this year
- Make time for doing something for self at least once a month (e.g. manicure, massages, etc.)
- Be healthier
- Do Tai Chi exercises (or at least warm ups) every morning (I also consider this part of the above goal)
- Cook at home more than eat out each week
- Use Wii Fit at least twice a week
- Look into gym near house - if not possible, think of alternatives
- Plan for the future
- Sign up for Retirement plan at work
- Pay off credit card by end of year
- Only use when can pay off immediately and regular monthly payment
- Look at what else is out there
- Relocate?
- Elsewhere in Boston?
- Talk to others in field about ideas/possibilities
- Be more communicative
- Call friends at least twice a month
- Be more proactive about making plans with local friends
- Send cards just becase at least once a month
- Get (and stay) organized
- At work - start with desk!
- At home - get to Ikea and Container Store and spend time each weekend organizing
- Be more social!
- Go to at least one Meet Up event a month
- Be more proactive about dating
Now, I realize this is a massive list. And for being one that scoffs at new year's resolutions, I also realize most of mine are stereotypical... however, all that being said... I think I can do this! I just need to dig deep, find the motivation, and just get my butt in gear. I've never really been able to appreciate the notion that we can start anew. Well, that's not true. I have been able to appreciate this notion however the notion has not usually struck me at the New Year. For me it hits around the summer, which is probably because my life is so academically focused September feels like a second New Years. But this year I'm embracing the idea that I can change. And that I can be honest about it. I debated about whether to post this anonymously under a different email, but that's not what this is about, is it? It's not about hiding who I am, or what I want to accomplish, but holding myself accountable, and being honest about all these things. So... there it is. My New Year's goals. I'm not sure what format these posts will take, and will probably change as my mood strikes... so hang with me if you care to!
Step One: I got up earlier than usual this morning to do Tai Chi my mom taught me while on vacation. I was only able to do the warm ups this morning but it was great to get up and do something this morning, and it incorporates meditation, so I feel good about continuing this goal! :)
2012, here we go!
go go you rock!!!